Council, Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
Council Apprentice
Jordan is a registered Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) with over 12 years’ of experience. Jordan is currently seconded to NHS England as the Regional AHP International Recruitment Lead for the North East and Yorkshire Region. Jordan has held numerous roles previously at Leeds Teaching Hospitals which include time as a Resuscitation Officer, Senior Practice Learning Facilitator and Matron. Jordan also teaches on many advanced resuscitation courses across the country.
Jordan has a key interest in international recruitment with a particular focus on pastoral and well-being support. He also has a passion for audit and data analysis and how these can benefit change and project management.
In his free time, Jordan volunteers as a Community First Responder for Yorkshire Ambulance Service. Jordan is also a keen footballer for a local team and an enthusiastic golfer.
Members' Register of Interests
Relationship, either personal or professional (outside of HCPC business) with any HCPC registrant, Council or Committee member, employee, partner or supplier:
Several friends who are HCPC registrants and work as Outpatient Department Practitioners in Leeds.
Brother-in-law is an HCPC registered physiotherapist.
Ongoing mentorship from a previous Council member (Maureen Drake)
Summary of employment (current or in last 2 years) including remunerated and unremunerated (voluntary) work, permanent and temporary roles, self-employment, consultancy work, Non-Executive Directorships of public or private companies:
Resuscitation Officer at Leeds Teaching Hospitals – ended April 2022
Matron for Endoscopy at Leeds Teaching Hospitals – ended August 2022
Clinical Fellow – Regional Lead for AHP International Recruitment at NHS England in North East and Yorkshire Region – currently seconded into this role
Community First Responder (Volunteering) for Yorkshire Ambulance Service
A-E Training Solutions – Advanced Life Support Instructor, European Paediatric Advanced Life Support Instructor and Generic Instructor Course Instructor
Also undertakes the above training at hospitals across the country including in Leeds, Hull, Lincoln, Birmingham, London, Sheffield and Scunthorpe
Runs a free-voluntary training company with some former colleagues providing free CPR training to members of the public (JRRB training)
Details of membership or management of bodies that exercise functions of a public nature (including any public appointments)(current or in last two years):
Details of membership or management of bodies directed to charitable purposes (current or in last two years):
Details of membership or management of bodies that aim to influence public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union (current or in last two years):
Details of membership or management of bodies that the Council member has been appointed to by the HCPC (current or in last two years):
Details of any shareholdings which give a majority or controlling interest in any undertaking:
Description of any contracts for goods, services or works made between the HCPC and the Council member, or an organisation from which the Council member or their partner/close family member receive remuneration:
Details of any significant political activity undertaken in the last five years. This includes activities that are a matter of public record i.e. office holding in, public speaking in support of, or candidate on behalf of, any political party (or affiliated body) which fields candidates at local or general elections in any part of the UK or in elections to the European Parliament: